Hello all, Yes we are considered 'essential' so therefore, as of now we will stay open and conduct business during our standard operating hours: (Section12b)
MONDAY closed
TUESDAY 8am-5pm (only high risk customers 8am-9am)
WEDNESDAY 8am-5pm (only high risk customers 8am-9am)
THURSDAY 8am-5pm (only high risk customers 8am-9am)
FRIDAY 8am-5pm (only high risk customers 8am-9am)
SATURDAY 6am-5pm
SUNDAY 9am-5pm
Please feel free to CALL IN YOUR ORDERS ahead of time to avoid crowds, we actually recommend this process. Quick in and out, limited contact is the plan to follow. If you are sick do not come to the store. If you fee uncomfortable coming into the store, we will deliver orders to your car. We are conducting all sanitizing methods recommend by the Health Department and Orders given by the Governor.
(513) 721-5743
Thank you all for your understanding and patronage during these trying times.